Monday, 6 April 2015

Cyber Space

Cyber Space-A big and scary world
Cyber space has become a big and scary place these past few years, and is unfolding into. A world of its own. While many people like to use the internet and social media as a way of keeping in touch with family and friends who may live far away, or just to keep entertained, many others abuse it...
Have you ever seen "Goal 500" or "follow for a follow back" on someone's profile? This is what you might consider someone being addicted and yes maybe a little desperate (wanting). It is very common in people, teenagers especially, to want to gain attention through social media. People tend to get addicted to having a high number of followers and get pumped mentally as their number of followers increase. This is considered a form of popularity. But there is always a person's friend who has more
Followers than them. It then becomes a personal competition and for some, can overwhelm their lives. We all fall into this trap if wanting and abundance f followed at one point. But in the end, does it really mean anything? It might just leave u addicted and emotionally unstable.
This leads to the next thing. Power.
Sometimes this "popularity" can go to a persons head and they can begin to rank themselves being of higher value than others. This is one of the many ways that bullying an start.
Bullying is NOT cool...
Posting inappropriate comments or photos is very dangerous and can lead to severe consequences.
One rule to always remember, is never get comfortable with an online friend that you have never met in person.
•unless you have actually met the person offline, then they are considered A stranger. Who knows, that nice teenage girl , could actually be a mean middle age man.
Never give out any personal information online.
•Try not to use your actual name, age or birth dat on websites in order to avoid scams and unwanted stalkers.
Always think of the consequences.
•Everything put into cyber space always stays in cyber space. No matter how hard you try to remove it. Nothing is ever really deleted. So before you do something, think, will you regret it later?
Last of all, have fun on the internet!
•Make sure to stay safe by checking that a website or people on the website are legitimate and safe.

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